March 24, 2020

In response to the Government’s latest announcement

It is a testing time for everyone, most of all those people directly affected by Coronavirus and our first thoughts and sympathies are with them.

George Barnsdale is fully committed to the safety of its staff and customers and is abiding by the advice from the Government. Therefore, all our administrative staff are working from home and measures have been taken to enable them to take phone calls, produce estimates and drawings and progress orders, as usual.

Our factory is also currently operational and we are taking measures to ensure staff are able to maintain the 2-metre social distancing advice and hygiene standards outlined by the World Health Authority and UK Government.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. In the meantime, please continue to send in your requests for quotations and progress your orders through the system since we are well placed to deal with these and help our customers minimise disruption to their projects as much as possible.

Thanks to all our staff and customers for their support during this period of uncertainty.