December 5, 2022
George Barnsdale, one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of customised timber windows and doors is delighted to announce the winner of its annual Christmas card competition – Lucy Young. A year 3 pupil at Wyberton Primary School, Lucy’s design was chosen from over 350 entries and has been professionally printed for use as the company’s official Christmas Card which will be sent to architects, developers and suppliers all over the country.

Part of the Inifinity Trust, Wyberton was one of three schools locally to take part in the competition alongside Donington Cowley Primary’s Vada Thomas and Boston West Primary’s Emily North, who won second and third place respectively.

As the overall winner, Lucy received her own set of cards with her design printed on and £100 of book tokens for her school. Vada won her school £50 worth of book tokens and Emily a £25 token. Sweets were also provided for all children that took part.

Commenting, Tracy Pomfret from George Barnsdale said “It was so difficult to choose a winner from so many brilliant designs, Lucy’s attention to detail and her lovely drawing of a cat on cobble stones meant she pipped the other finalists to the post. Last year’s winner was a boy so this year’s three finalists prove that “girl power” is stronger than ever locally!”
George Barnsdale has been operating from its Donington base since 1884 and supplies some of the most luxurious projects in the UK including the Chanel store on Bond Street and a luxury development next door to His Majesty at Buckingham Palace as well as homeowners across Lincolnshire and elsewhere. Factory tours are available for people looking to replace their own windows and doors and are a great way to see first hand how why the company’s products perform so well and look so beautiful. They also last twice as long as uPVC and won’t need painting for at least ten years – usually much longer.