February 11, 2021

Lincolnshire based timber windows and doors manufacturer George Barnsdale has once again retained its membership of Made in Britain, the nationally recognised body that helps buyers recognise good quality products that are British made and provide good value. The mark also lets customers know that the company values transparency, sustainability and ethical business practices. Consumers are increasingly recognising the Made in Britain mark as a mark of confidence.

Commenting, Tom Wright, Managing Director and a fifth generation of the Barnsdale family said “We have been manufacturing quality timber windows and doors on the same site in Lincolnshire since 1884. From humble beginnings to working on some of the most prestigious buildings in London, Manchester and other major cities, we have only ever made our products in Britain with the same commitment to quality, performance and customisation.”

In light of the recent Brexit, many companies like George Barnsdale have found that customers really value the fact that their products are made fairly locally and that they can visit the factory to see first hand how their windows and doors are made. The onsite research centre and the companies involvement in long term studies into the longevity of timber means the products the company is producing are second to none from anywhere in the world.

John Pearce, chief executive of Made in Britain said: “We’re delighted that George Barnsdale has joined the community of more than 1200 British manufacturers. The more the mark is used and seen, the more it is recognised as a mark of quality. In addition to getting access to the official protected mark, George Barnsdale will also start to enjoy the many other benefits membership to Made in Britain brings, including support in sales, marketing, PR/comms and export. We look forward to watching George Barnsdale grow with our help and support.”