April 23, 2020

In these unprecedented times, it has never been more true that the NHS frontline staff need all the support they can get at the moment to keep them safe. In response to a call for help from a family member who works in a GP surgery, George Barnsdale’s Production Director Darren Templeman gave his spare time last weekend to build a protective screen for the reception area.

Front reception staff at Swineshead Surgery found themselves struggling to maintain the two metre social distancing rules when the area was busy and were concerned about their safety and that of their patients. Darren came up with a bespoke curved screen which turned out to be less straightforward than he initially thought, requiring some reprogramming of the CNC machine to make the curved frame. By late Saturday evening, Darren had designed, made and installed the screen ready for the practice reopening on Monday morning.

Staff are delighted and thankful to Darren and we at George Barnsdale are really proud of what he did. Following the recent 3D printing of masks for the NHS, this is another example of the staff’s devotion to the local and national communities it serves.

Proof that not all heroes wear capes! 🙂

Helping the local community.