April 28, 2020

Having taken the decision to close our factory in Donington, Lincolnshire early on in the lockdown period, we spent considerable time reconfiguring the areas that were proving challenging to achieve the social distancing requirements. For the areas affected, we have redesigned the layouts to provide more space and introduced new lifting and handling equipment. In addition to the 2m social distancing steps, we are also providing full PPE (including the visors we have also been manufacturing for the NHS), handwashing stations and personal hand sanitiser, checking temperatures at the start of the shift and introducing additional cleaning schedules. All staff are required to wash their hands properly at frequent intervals throughout the day, as well as before and after staggered breaktimes. Where possible staff are being advised not to car share, in line with guidance from the leading trade bodies and we are also asking staff to bring their own lunch in order to avoid using local shops. All staff are reminded to stay at home if they display any covid related symptoms. As we increase capacity in the next few weeks, we will continue to review the situation and bring in additional measures to ensure that we are working safely and responsibly.

We wil be in contact with all customers to reschedule their orders and to confirm updated delivery times by the end of this week. For all new orders and enquiries we will be able to provide estimated delivery times, but are currently working on 12 weeks from point of order.

We continue to welcome new enquiries and our estimators, who are working from home, are liaising with customers remotely to prepare quotations and maintain momentum.

We would like to thank our staff for their support in helping to get our factory up and running again and our customers for their patience and understanding. We are proud to be playing our part in the wider construction community’s efforts to ensure business continuity whilst maintaining the health and wellbeing of our staff, customers and suppliers.