March 6, 2013

The European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) came into effect at the beginning of March 2013 and aims to prohibit the placing of illegal timber and timber products on the EU market.


This new law aims to develop responsible trading practices as well as to educate suppliers and consumers on taking measures to ensure that timber has been sourced legally.

With regards to the EU Timber Regulation, George Barnsdale & Sons Ltd is defined as a ‘trader’ and therefore we will comply with the requirements of the regulation as it applies to ‘traders’.

Article 5 of the regulation covers ‘Obligation of Traceability’ and requires that traders shall, throughout the supply chain, be able to identify:

a) The operators or the traders who have supplied the timber and timber products; and

b) Where applicable, the traders to whom they have supplied timber and timber products

It also states that Traders shall keep the information referred to in (a) for at least five years and shall provide that information to competent authorities if they so request.

In order to comply with the above, George Barnsdale & Sons Ltd will retain all delivery documents from our timber suppliers and copies of delivery documents to our customers, for a period of no less than 5 years.

Any request for information in excess of that required by the EU Timber Regulation, must be submitted in writing, and will be provided at the discretion of our Managing Director.

Download our EU Timber Regulation Statement

In addition to meeting the requirements of the EU Timber Regulation, all of the timber used for the manufacture of our windows and doors is sourced through the FSC® timber certification scheme. This scheme ensures that the sources of the timber are well managed and sustainable.

Download the FSC Certificate.

For more information see Certified Timber.