October 11, 2015

Planning Officers are giving more consideration to external sound reduction especially for inner city developments where residents are wanting to be exposed to as little noise from the outside world as is practical.

We put a large amount of time into research and development for all our products. One of our key aims is to enhance the acoustic performance of our products as well as further developing product security, life and quality. During the testing we have undertaken whilst developing our products we have amassed enough data for us to be able to predict the acoustic performance depending on the size of the products and the glass used.

Most of the products shown in the photography below have a weighted performance reduction of around 41dB. Even close to a busy road, this should drastically reduce noise leakage making the rooms very quiet. For more information on the acoustic performance of windows please read our blog post on the acoustic performance of timber windows.
or get in touch by emailing us at contactus@georgebarnsdale.co.uk
