Project description

The Old Black Lion public house in Gedney, Lincolnshire is a Grade II listed property. Originally a farm house built in the 1700s, the property was converted to a public house and has undergone subsequent extensions and alterations during the 19th and 20th centuries. Legend has it that the infamous highwayman Dick Turpin once used the property as his hideout.

The building not only forms a prominent feature of the street scene, but it is also the social hub of the village. As such, it is important that the property is kept in a good state of repair. The owner, Ian Guyler in association with Bradgate Property Management, wanted to obtain listed building consent to replace all of the property’s timber windows and doors to enhance internal conditions for customers and staff alike.

The existing windows and doors were subject to wet rot and had received extensive repairs, with the window frames and bottom sashes being extensively filled. None of the windows were the original farmhouse windows, or had original crown glass fitted. Both doors were warped and ill-fitting with an assortment of ironmongery.

To obtain listed building consent to replace the timber windows and doors, the clients worked closely with our Approved Partner, Barrowpier Joinery. It was crucial that any replacement of the windows and doors were ‘like-for-like’ to preserve the character of the building, whilst providing long-term solutions to maintenance issues. Working with Barrowpier, we produced profile drawings of box sash windows, an entrance door and side door, all with single glazing fixed with external putty.

To ensure an accurate match, it was proposed that the box sash windows featured 16 panes divided by gothic glazing bars and were designed to fit the original segmental brick arch openings. The entrance door design was an exact replica of the original, incorporating nine panels with a fixed glazed fanlight and adorned with polished brass furniture. The side door was to replace a modern 20th century standard six panelled door, but to protect the visual quality of the building the proposed design was to compliment the entrance door.

After submission, Barrowpier worked with the clients on some amendments and listed building consent was granted, with installation carried out during July 2016. As this is a busy time for the Old Black Lion, Barrowpier worked with the landlord to minimise disruption and where possible, work was carried out outside of customer opening hours.